April 30, 2002
Updated contact information.
Miscellaneous tweaks.
October 21, 2000
Updated contact information.
January 31, 2000
Minor "resume" update.
January 8, 2000
Post-relocation contact info update.
December 10, 1999
Updated biographical information.
August 27, 1999
Revised contact information.
March 31, 1999
Added some General PDA info.
Added some PDA links.
March 25, 1999
Added PalmCentral link.
March 22, 1999
Added PalmPilot WebRing.
February 4, 1999
Website first posted.
April 30, 2002
Updated contact info with "anti-spam trawler" encoding.
Revised header block and table captions to accomodate Netscape 6.
Removed DomainHost link.
August 27, 1999
Added DomainHost link.
March 22, 1999
Revised for MSIE compatability.
February 12, 1999
Corrected NEPUG link.
Added web counter.
February 4, 1999
Website first posted.